descent noun (RELATION) [ U ] the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past: She's a woman of mixed/French descent. They trace their line of descent back to a French duke.
Often times history downplays what exactly happened during the civil rights era, in which MLK faced many struggles during. His house was bombed, death threats, racial slurs, spit, physical violence, and most importantly was his assassination. MLK Studied Sociology in school and got involved in the Civil Rights Movement as he came from a family of activist, as MLK became apart of the Baptist church in Alabama he organized a bus boycott. King then formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which dedicated itself to the advancement of rights for African Americans.
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Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
A peasant boy waits in the forest to escape with the king's daughter and wonders if his love is strong enough to keep her happy