What do you mean if you can give more details someone might be able to help you more.
I believe that making online purchases through smart speakers isn't a good idea. It would become very easy to steal credit card information if you are just yelling it into your devices. You also have the scenario were a kid or friend could jokingly order something.
"When I said you were a friend of Tom's, he started to abandon the whole idea. He doesn't know very much about Tom, though he says he's read a Chicago paper for years just on the chance of catching a glimpse of Daisy's name" (p.152)
When considering why Henry was irritated with his mother in The Red Badge of Courage, the most effective reading strategy to realize this is reading between the lines to infere. At any moment it is said that he feels irritated with her, but there are two instances in chapter 1 that shows that. The first one is when he prepared himself emotionally for a warm welcome from his mother and she seemed cold and far away from him, while the other is when he was about to leave to the army and his mother gave him a moral speech. 'It had not been quite what he expected.' Whe can infere that he expected a hug, a kiss and an <em>I love you</em>, instead of rules of good behavior.