Hello. I have been trying to write a song for 2 years and I have had these lyric ideas for 3 years... I was hoping someone could
write a 1 min 20 sec - 2 min song using at least 3 or 4 of these lines if you can use all 5 that's amazing. I'm not looking to copy you or anything I just want a whole song I can revise and edit to add a little of my style too. If you want credit for my song I will be happy to credit you if I do use anything. please don't comment jokes or spam and actually try, this means a lot to me. these were my 5 lyric Ideas. (1.) Sometimes I feel like I can't die, cuz I never was alive. (2.) Hello From The Dark Side In Does Anybody Here Wanna Be My Friend? (3.) The devil hit my line he wanna talk but I ain't really up for conversation. (4.) Demons run up in my spot a lot. I'm really running out of patience. (5.) Both hands in the air as I scream out prayers My demons show their face in the midnight air. (50 points and brainliest to best answer)
'Sometimes I feel like I can't die, cuz I never was alive. Hello From The Dark Side In Does Anybody Here Wanna Be My Friend? The devil hit my line he wanna talk but I ain't really up for conversation. Demons run up in my spot a lot. I'm really running out of patience. Both hands in the air as I scream out prayers My demons show their face in the midnight air'
( they all sound really good together and in the same order you put them in. p.s: i added qoutation marks )