The answer D. He wanted a smaller federal government with reduced taxes, military, and bureaucracy.
Richard went gallently off to war, leaving his brother, an incompetent ruler, in his stead. John was so bad that the Magna Carter was signed on his watch. That was helpful because it took some of the monarch's power away. It didn't help everyone since it only gave rights to some of the nobility, but it was a start.
That was one effect of the crusades in England. Richard the Lionhearted likely would have had the same difficulties that John had to cope with. Richard was not a great politician (he put rebellions down with force), but he was a very gifted military technician. John faced the problem of having not much of an army to resist those wanting him to sign the Magna Carta. That should get you started.
A) He feared land prices are rising too fast and wanted to slow land sales.
This sounds like murder :)
In modern day America, you have amendments to freedom of speech and my freedom to speak as I like is why you should not legally be allowed to report me and if you do you aren't very nice
The correct order is:
1. Germanic tribes settle in the east of Britain;
2. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms form;
3. The Normans invade England;
4. England develops a strong monarchy;
5. England develops a standardized system of coinage;
Despite being still very debatable about the migration of the Anglo-Saxons in England, it is commonly accepted that these Germanic tribes migrated in the eastern part of Britain somewhere around the fifth century. After the migration, they managed to have large influence and gradually manage to become the most influential people in the society, forming multiple small Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. These kingdoms were not very strong individually, so the Normans had no big troubles to defeat them and invade their land, thus overtaking the high niches in the hierarchy. After the tensions between the Normans and the native inhabitants of England were settled down, they started to work together, and the first strong monarchy of England arose. As all strong monarchies do in order to have stable and prosperous economy, the English one standardized its own system of coinage.