Onomatopoeia is when a word describes a sound and actually mimics the sound of the object or action it refers to when it is spoken
Hey there!
Hard news, three elements: international news, business, and politics
Lead and why it's challenging: They are challenging to write because they must be good enough to give important information but also maintain the reader's interest in the article, so they keep reading.
Soft news story: Not so big stories that could be useful to public or entertaining, rather than important.
I think soft news stories are more effective, because usually they are entertaining and useful, and easier to write.
Have a terrificly amazing day!
In the definition of psychology, what does the term mental processes refers to? ... Professor Wenches approaches questions about human behavior from a ... unconscious dynamics within the individual, such as inner forces or conflicts. It is most likely that she accepts which of the following psychological approaches?