The term "weather" means the state of the atmosphere in a shorter period of time, while the term "climate" refers to how the atmosphere behaves in the long run.
When we talk about climate change, we are talking about long-term change.
"tTme" describes the way in which the atmosphere "behaves", which primarily means the effects that this "behavior" has on life. The biggest difference between climate and weather is that the term "weather" refers to extremely short-term changes in the atmosphere - so short that they are measured in minutes and months.
The Steady State Theory state that the density of the universe was remaining constant.
<h3>Steady State Theory:</h3>
In cosmology, a steady-state theory is a perspective that holds that the universe is constantly expanding while maintaining a constant average density. According to this theory, the matter is continuously created to form new stars and galaxies at the same rate that older ones fade away due to their expanding distance and accelerating recession. The average density and configuration of galaxies are the same as any location in a steady-state universe, which has no beginning or end in time.
British scientists Sir Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle first proposed the hypothesis in 1948. Hoyle expanded on it in order to address issues that had come up in relation to the alternative big-bang theory. According to the hypothesis, in order to maintain a constant average density of matter across time, the new matter must constantly be created, primarily as hydrogen. With nearly five times as much dark matter, the amount needed is small and not immediately observable: one solar mass of baryons per cubic megaparsec every year, or one hydrogen atom per cubic meter every billion years.
Learn more about steady-state here:
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