I say just Xavier but it kind of depends was he listening to music too loud or is it a genetic thing because if it is not a genetic thing then it would just be Xavier or whoever was in the car with him listening with the radio all the way turned up
Although Emily Dickinson (not Dickerson) has written under the influence of Romanticism, which was the era in which she was born, no, she is not a Romantic writer. Emily Dickinson is in fact a Renaissance writer, which happened in America from about 1830 to around the Civil War.
Alright hear me out,You can analyze how artists all draw their expressions or gestures…And then with that information you can make the robot express themselves differently.
Rob reiner, who at first loved the script and wanted to direct the movie himself, had some ideas about the characters and wanted some special actors to portray it, who were as below;
<u>"Andy"</u> a character inside the story who was arrested and then got jailed, on false charges of killing his wife and her lover. The character Andy was a banker and did not committed such a crime. As the film crew at first approached several actors to portray the role but in the last it was Tim Robbins who did it. But, here are some names who were considered the first to portray the character at first.
- Tom Hanks
- Kevin Costner
- Johnny Depp
- Tom cruise
- <u>"Red"(The Irishman)</u>
The character "Red" was an Irishman, and many of the crew members of the movie wanted it to be a White man to make it more easy to understand and play for the artist, but the producer Liz Glotzer wanted Morgan Freeman to be the only person playing it,as he was a great admirer Morgan Freeman.