The Earth is constantly changing its position with the sun as the Earth tilts in relation to the sun. This creates the differences in the seasons and the annual warming and cooling cycles of the Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
- When the North Pole tilts most toward the sun, the Northern Hemisphere experiences summer.
- Spring and Autumn) occur midway on the Earth’s journey from winter to summer and from summer to winter.
- On March 20 or 21 of each year, the Earth reaches the vernal equinox, which marks the arrival of Spring in the north and Autumn in the south. The autumnal equinox occurs on September 22-23 and marks the arrival of Fall in the north and Spring in the south.
- When it is Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is Winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and this has nothing to do with how close or far the Earth gets to or away from the Sun in its orbit. It’s all because the Earth is tilted on its axis.
Answer: b. possible soil creep
Erosion can be defined as the process in which the top layer of the soil is removed because of the action of the agents like wind, water, chemicals, and others. Possible soil creep no agent is mentioned responsible for the soil creep whether it is because of gravity, water, or wind. Evidence of a past debris indicate that the erosion has occurred and displaced the debris from its place. Rapid river can also become an agent in South America. Sand storm will involve the blow of sand with the action of wind in Sahara Desert.
Independence of Bangladesh was gained through a nine-month guerilla war against the Pakistan Army, and their collaborators including paramilitary Razakars which resulted in the death of about 3 million people, as per Awami league and Indian sources, in the Bangladesh War of Independence and Bangladesh Genocide.
It is igneous rock. When magma cools, it solidifies into a rock called an igneous rock. They are formed when the hot, molten rock rises to the surface, it undergoes changes in temperature and pressure that causes it to cool, solidify and crystalize. Hope this helped you :)!