أنا آسف جدًا، ولكن الي ١٢ ميريت
othee noon huree. dhivehsakah ve hure dhivehibas neygunyma hithaamakohbala.
furathama kae dhaskohbala mashah dhaskohdhinumuge kurin.
This seems like something you should do on your own
not a good thing to post cause people won't answer it fast
Answer: Come nomi la differenza tra resistenza e tolleranza
è che la resistenza è la misura della resistenza o della persistenza di una persona mentre la tolleranza è (non numerabile|obsoleto) la capacità di sopportare il dolore o le difficoltà; resistenza.
Differences: Earth is 8 times as dense as Saturn. Saturn has more mass than Earth. Saturn is 9 times bigger than Earth. Earth takes 24 hours to complete a day, while Saturn takes 10 hours and 32 minutes. A year on Earth is, well, 1 year, while a year on Saturn lasts 30 years.
Similarities: Earth and Saturn have the similar gravity.