Answer: The noun phrases are "These three days", "their efforts to wipe away" and "Each decoration", while the verb phrases are "have been celebrating" and "are considered".
Explanation: A noun phrase is a group of words that includes a noun, which acts as the head. The noun is modified by other word classes, such as adjectives or determiners. For instance, <u>"these three days", "their efforts to wipe away" and "each decoration" are all noun phrases because they have nouns as their heads</u> ("days", "efforts" and "decoration" respectively). The nouns in these phrases have been premodified and postmodified. In contrast, a verb phrase contains an auxiliary verb and a main verb. For example,<u> in "have been celebrating" and "are considered", "celebrating" and "considered" are the main verbs. </u>
inner monologue - 'confusing' , and 'worked so hard'
actual dialogue - "what did you think" and "twists in the plot"
inner monologue is a person's thoughts that are not said out loud, whereas actual dialogue is. hope this helpeddd :)
<span>Utterson visits Dr. Lanyon and mentions that he looks ill. Lanyon tells him that he is a doomed man. He claimed to of had a shock and later died in his bed. Hyde allowed Lanyon to witness his change back into Jekyll. Jekyll then confessed his sings to Lanyon. Since Lanyon is such a Godly man, this literally shocked him.</span>
Moshe<span> is a poor Jew who lives in Sighet. He is deported before the rest of the Sighet Jews but escapes and returns to tell the town what the Nazis are doing to the Jews. Tragically, the community takes </span>Moshe<span> for a lunatic.</span>
The tone is gloomy and kind of dark. Unleashed, tearing, mauling, battle, possessed ,and sharpening. The tone contributes to the authors viewpoint because he or she makes it a dark and foregoing place that nobody would want to be in.