Well your asking "Can a question be a annotation" And the definition if annotation is "a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram." Now looking at that we see "explanation or comment" So in a way...It's more of a answer not a question...
Is the answer V?? hopefully it is
it is metaphor
metaphor is a poetic devices that poets use to compare unlike things or objects without the use of 'like' or 'as'.
the narrator, in these verses, compared herself to be a red balloon.
onometopoeia are words that sound like it's definition. like BANG.
personification is giving objects or animals human attributions. like the dog talked like a man.
simile is comparing unlike things WITH the use of 'like' or 'as'.
Reaching the Climax. As a part of rising action, conflict in a story leads to the climax, which serves as a turning point. After the climax, the conflict is usually resolved, which leads to the falling action and resolution of the plot.