Thsy were meant to punish Massachusetts for the Boston tea party and warn the other colonies of Britain's power
Third parties play a significant role in the election process because they advocate?
Third parties also serve an important role in our political system by forcing major political parties to address new issues they might not have previously addressed very much. And third party candidates can also greatly impact an election by taking away votes from one of the major political party candidates.
Third parties are significant because they can present new issues/policies/ideas to voters that the two major parties would otherwise not discuss. Also, they can take voters away from one party, causing the opposing party to win.
Hope this Helps!! ^ω^
The American revolution inspired the idea that a country should secede and gain independence if they believe that the ruler of the country is a malevolent tyrant. The Civil War inspired hte idea that the country needs to remain unified even if the people don't agree and that we can always find a way to keep it together. They are opposite and at the time when they were created they suited the needs of the people.
The best answer is B.
The Warsaw pact is the name commonly given to the treaty between Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union which was signed in Poland in 1955 and was officially called The Treaty of friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance. It was called the Warsaw pact because it was signed in Warsaw.
It was a response to the formation (by western allies) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). West Germany was allowed to join NATO and was allowed to re- militarize and thus the Soviets saw this as a potential threat.