Persecuting a person because of their belief system can physically injure or cause pain to someone.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. In this book, Hitler subjected the Jews to hostility and I'll treatments because of their belief system.
So, it's strange when Miss Gates says says American's do not persecute.
In fact, Tom Robinson who was a black man accused of raping Mayella Ewells, a white woman was openly persecuted because of the color of his skin, even when it's clear that he was innocent. He even died while in jail.
I think it’s because Jerry didn’t want to fight at the rumble. I’m not completely sure though.
super market
Plastics and plastic bags are a huge concern for the environment. Plastics does not decomposes and remains on the earth and the ocean surfaces. It causes micro pollutants and cause many respiratory disease in human and it is the main cause of the death of many marine animals by swallowing these plastic bags as foods.
Therefore we should not use plastics bags or limit our use of plastics bags. Instead we should use re-usable bags for our work which is environment friendly. The re-usable bags can be used again and again and it helps in eliminating plastic pollution. We should use re-usable bags when going to the super markets or when going out in the market for buying any vegetables or fruits. Also we should never ask or encourage the use of plastic bags.
In my opinion, I think animals shouldnt be kept in zoos because zoos dont provide good natural habitats and can put unnecessary stress on the animals. For example, zoos dont have the right facilities for hibernation animals and big animals like elephants. Zoos can be too small and limited for the elephants. Because their habitat isnt big enough to migrate, this can change their behavior and can lead to aggression. Also, zoos to people are for entertainment so animals are captured and is put into poor habitats with poor conditions and separated from other animals of their own.
The term that refers to the placement of capital letters is <em>capitalization. </em>Certain words are written with their first letter as a capital letter (uppercase letter) and the remaining letters in lower case. For example, the first letter of the first word in a sentence is always capitalized. Proper nouns are also always capitalized (e.g. names, holidays, days of the week and months, streets, etc).