Sitting in his bedroom, head against the bed board, the young teenage boy scrolled on the multiple pages on the laptop, clicking on the most authentic website. Making sure that none of his family members were around, he copy and pasted the eloquent essay, changing the name and date to give himself credit. He smiled to himself, thinking that he was being astute. He was so sure that no-one would find out, but he was wrong.
He avoided the teacher’s gaze when he turned in the paper, knowing that the look in his eyes would only get him into trouble. He grinned when he saw the woman mark it with an A. Her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion as she read his best friend’s paper. With her lip in between her teeth, she called the young teen up. Not wanting his friend to hate him, he turned himself in, getting an F on his paper, suspended for a week.
Plagiarism is not right. Not only are you shamming yourself, you’re taking credit for something you did not even do. Take this for an example, college applications. Plagiarized essays are easy to find, especially dealing with more intelligent people. Although it might seem as a good idea at the time, it’s really not. By using a plagiarized essay, you can loose all chances in improving yourself, and getting yourself in a high quality school. Think about this when your first instinct for something you do not want to spend time on working homework. Better you do it yourself and get a high chance of passing, rather than getting in trouble and fail.
plagiarism is bad as you do not do your homework and just copy other ppl. it is frowned upon by teachers. you get in trouble if teachers find out your copying.
plagiarism is also not allowed on brainly. i once did it n a mod gave me a warning. i learnt my lesson n never did it again.
plagiarism makes u lazy. if u keep doing it, ur brain will rot. so dont do it!