Two words using the root -gest- are gesture and digestion. The original meaning of the root as inherited from Lating was "carry" or "perform". In modern English, however, the word has a separate meaning of "a tale of adventures" or "a romance in verse" (according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary).
Here is a sentence with the word "gesture".
<u>Peter's gift was a very kind gesture.</u>
As for the connection of the word "gesture" with its root: the gift actually "carries" kindness or "performs" an act of kindness.
Impossible to say <u>(READ THE EXPLANATION)</u>
It is incredibly hard to say what would’ve/wouldn’t have happened for events that have passed. I imagine that they still would’ve lost (US would’ve caught up and far exceeded eventually). The Battle of the Atlantic would have been different. Although the British did develop radar first, the Germans used it far better and far more often than the Allies did. Actually, the Germans used a more advanced radar system that the allies didn‘t come up woth till perhaps the end of the war. The long and short of it is the same would’ve happens because the Germans used it better and more often than the Allies until about 1944.
That's so hard and no one would make that and there is no one a teacher can make that
That human behavior is more influenced by things outside of us than inside. The 'situation' is the external environment. The inner environment is genes, moral history, religious training hope this helps