The author's intention in describing how Monsieur Loisel planned to spend his savings is to show that he is frugal and faithfully saves for something he wants.
Option A fits the author's intention because of the following reasons.
1. At the beginning of the excerpt, the author pointers out that Monsieur Loisel got slightly pale and he was making savings to purchase a gun; This can be summarised as being frugal (sparing or economical as regards money or food). Being pale, as used in this excerpt is as a result of depriving himself of good food.
2. The author also pointed out that he planned to shoot with some friends on a certain day; This illustrates his willingness to buy whatever he wants.
<u>Is </u>French lesson <u>taught </u>by a native speaker?
Answer: B) is / taught
Textual evidence is used to add credibility to a claim or argument. It shows people how you came to an answer.
The answer is: it is about evolution.
Darwin himself characterized his seminal book, <em>On the origin of the species, </em>as “one long argument”. There is still debate as to what exactly did he mean by that characterization, but it is agreed upon that he evidently was referencing his theory of evolution based on common ancestry between species and natural selection as the process of differentiation between them, which, all in all, tells a story that took millions of years, or, in more poetic terms, it summarizes a very long argument.