a single cell is unicellular and many cells is multicellular
Carbon can be continuously cycled, but energy cannot
Carbon in the feces of a top predator can be decomposed and used by primary producers in the form of CO2; the energy in the feces is used by the decomposers and is released as heat.
An overweight, elderly woman who spends most of the day sitting. is correct
This is a case of a patient presenting with headache, malaise, and sore throat. Physical examination revealed fever (39.2 degrees Celsius), enlarged spleen, enlarged liver, and exudative tonsillitis. Diagnostics revealed leukocytosis, (+) antibodies to EBV, and abnormal liver function tests. With these salient features, the diagnosis for this patient is infectious mononucleosis.
Infectious mononucleosis or glandular fever is a viral infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus. Also known as "the kissing disease" as this infection most often transmitted by kissing. Patients infected with infectious mononucleosis presents with severe sore throat, fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and lymphocytosis with atypical lymphocytes. EBV infection also poses a risk for developing nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
You should start experiencing symptoms of the virus and your body will try to fight off the sickness while you recover.