I think it's true
I don't know but If I'm wrong tell me?
a) 255
b) 61602
You need to understand the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal numbers, <em>from 0 to 9 numbers are represented the same way, from 10 to 15 we use the alphabet, meaning 10 equals A in hexadecimal base, 11-B, 12-C, 13-D, 14-E, and 15-F.</em>
For your first exercise you'll enumerate the number's positions fromright to lef begining with 0:
a. F F
position 1 0
Now you'll multiply your hexadecimal number (using the decimal equivalent for your letters) for the base (16) elevated to the number of the position:
Finally, you'll add your results:
b. F 0 A 2
position 3 2 1 0
c. F 1 0 0
position 3 2 1 0
d. 1 0 0
position 2 1 0
I hope you find this information useful! Good luck!
Pattern recognition is the process of recognizing patterns by using machine learning algorithm. ... In a typical pattern recognition application, the raw data is processed and converted into a form that is amenable for a machine to use. Pattern recognition involves classification and cluster of patterns
ssume that,
Maximum “students” count can be 10.
*Driver Class*
*Solution class*
import java.util.*;
class Student {
private String name;
private int rollNo;
public String getName() {}
public void setName(String name) {}
public int getRollNo() {}
public void setRollNo(int rollNo) {}
class ClassRoom {
private int i;
private Student[] students;
public void addStudent(String name, int rollNo) {}
public Student[] getAllStudents() {}
Context-sensitive language is a subset of context-free language
Considering the available options, the statement that is considered wrong is "Context-sensitive language is a subset of context-free language."
This is because generally every regular language can be produced through the means of context-free grammar, while context-free language can be produced through the means of context-sensitive grammar, and at the same time, context-sensitive grammars are produced through the means of Recursively innumerable.
Hence, the correct answer in this correct answer to the question is the last option *Context-sensitive language is a subset of context-free langage