Waves that hit the beach at an angle carry sand and gravel up the beach face at an angle. When the water washes back the sediment. is carried straight back down the beach face. Individual particles are moved along the beach in a zig zag pattern. This is called longshore drift.
There was a massive dust storm named the Dust Bowlduring the great depression. <span>With the onset of the drought in 1930, overfarmed and overgrazed land began to blow away. Winds whipped across the plains, raising billowing clouds of dust. </span>
The city of Pompeii was destroyed and buried by a powerful eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in 79AD, which threw a thick layer of volcanish ashes on the city and its inhabitants. Today, old Pompeii is a major touristic destination in Italy and an archeological site for the study of Roman culture and past life. Massive tourism poses a problem to conservation, but authorities try do promote near destinations as an alternative to the massive infllux of visitors to the site. For some time, excavations have been halted recently, too.