Another benefit of Christian education is being around Christian friends. The people they hang out with can affect their behavio
r and their actions. Having non-Christian friends can influence them to make bad decisions. Christian friends motivate and encourage them to be better. They point them to Christ when they are struggling. christian friends can also give you Godly advice i need 25 words added to this
Another benefit of Christian education is being around Christian friends. The people they hang out with can affect their behavior and their actions. Having non-Christian friends can influence them to make bad decisions. Christian friends motivate and encourage them to be better. They point them to Christ when they are struggling. christian friends can also give you Godly advice
Addition: Apart from this, Christian Education will also allow the children to develop the good spiritual habits and etiquettes, because usually in Christian schools, prayer time and bible study is also a part of their education. If is also observed that most children attracts friends who often have a similar values. In this way having a Christian friend will help them to share their values and will thus create a bond.