This cartoon is stating that the women are slowly making progress and might have equal rights going into the future.
Since 1923 a rock found with inscriptions have been studied. The symbols look just like Viking Runes that would sustain the theory that Vigings have been to America long before Columbus. The theory is however contested by experts, some of which thinks that itis a hoax. The rock is known as "the Heavener Runestone".
It was primarily "<span>Rome and Carthage </span>" that fought in the Punic Wars, although it should be noted that there were other, smaller fighting forces involved as well.
Search and seizure would mean something like the government taking your cell phone and going through every message you've ever sent, or entering your home and searching through all your dresser drawers. They need to have a court-approved reasonable cause for doing something that invasive.
Quartering of soldiers would mean soldiers would have the right to enter your home and expect you to provide them food and lodging. That's pretty invasive too.
In either case, we're talking about invasions of your privacy, your personal space. Court justices have used statements like those about search and seizure and quartering of soldiers to show that the constitution does give attention to citizen's right to privacy, even if not using the exact term "right to privacy."