Habitat for Humanity
This international non-governmental, non-profit organization helps people in need to build affordable housing, and has been associated with former President Jimmy Carter's charitable efforts.
I suppose you are referring to the version of the subject painted by Jusepe de Ribera, a Spanish painter working in the 17th century. This painting was created in 1639 in the Baroque style (or movement). It depicts the moment when the apostle Philip is about to be crucified. The contrast of light and shadow, the monumental figures, and the dramatic topic are all characteristics of the Baroque style. The painting was commissioned as a gift to the then King of Spain, Philip IV, whose patron saint was Philip the Apostle.
Perhaps the most celebrated man in the 369th was Pvt. Henry Johnson, a former Albany, New York, rail station porter, who earned the nickname "Black Death" for his actions in combat in France. In May 1918 Johnson and Pvt. Needham Roberts fought off a 24-man German patrol, though both were severely wounded.