The purpose of work is
to help individuals reach their own potential and to support the human dignity of those their work serves. Medical insurance alone can cost several hundred dollars a month. That's why it's important to consider benefits as part of your total compensation.
Here are more reasons:
We're Social Beings. People need people.
We Need to Have Purpose. I think work provides an avenue to fulfill a purpose – or at least the feeling of it.
Feeling Productive is Good for the Soul.
To Maintain a Standard of Living.
We're Creative Beings
Hope this helped. Have a Nice day :)
"Surrogate wars" also known as "proxy wars" are wars fought in a third country. The US and the Soviet Union were fighting each other in, for example, Afghanistan and Vietnam.
They preferred proxy wars, because they came without civilian victims of own population and without a distraction of the infrastructure of their own countries. In short, the two powers could compete militarily with each other without suffering the worst effects of the wars - this situation allowed them to try to defeat the other one without much risk to their own population.
The answer to this question is 4. Industrialization caused urbanization and a population boom.
There would be their flag on the moon
There would have been a Soviet flag on the moon planted on the lunar surface by a cosmonaut rather than a USA flag planted by an astronaut. The USA would have saved US $ Billions.
hope this helps
Except : A) deny African Americans citizenship.
US Congress passed the First Civil Rights in April 1866 that granted citizenship to all African Americans and annuled the infamous Supreme Court´s Dred Scott decision of 1857. So, the Black Codes laws couldn´t impede freed black people from becoming American citizens.