The message that Washinton wanted to convey through quote is that looking back is futile uunless one is looking back to derive useful lessons.
George Washington was the First President of the United States and one of the Founding Fathers along with Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and others. He served in the Office from 1789-1797. He mainly worked for the development of his country, thus also known as 'Father of the Country.'
<u>The stated quote talks about the futility of looking back in the past. Since one can not go back to past to rectify the errors so it is worthless to mourn over those mistakes made in the past. The quote is conveying the message of moving forward in life with the lessons learned from the past errors.</u>
<u>Through this quote, Wasginton is telling us to stop mulling over past mistakes and move forward in the life with the lessons learned by them and the experience gained from it.</u>
Marketing better, adverising, buying limited quantities
Mahatma Gandhi made spinning on the charkha and the daily use of khadi , or a coarse cloth made from homespun yarn , very powerful symbols. these were not only symbols of self-reliance but also of resistance to the use of British mill-made cloth....;
France the Netherlands and Spain were some of the countries that helped the early American Colonies