From what I remember, c is the correct answer.
All of the above mentioned options can be used by scientists to date the sediment layer they are found in.
- Rock fossils, animal fossils, etc.found in the sediment layer can be used to determine the age of the sediment based on the period of the existence of that animal or the period of formation of the rock.
- Tree rings clearly exhibit the age of the tree. Hence, a sediment layer with the evidence of tree rings can tell the age of the sediment layer.
- An amalgamation of the data obtained from the animal growth rings and the period of existence of that specific animal species can be used to calculate the age of the sediment.
- The intensity of radioactivity left in the isotopes clarifies how old the isotope is.
- The age of mineral elements can be determined exactly with the help of processes like Potassium-Argon dating, Uranium-Lead dating, etc.
- Thus it would be easy to determine the age of the sediment layer containing mineral elements.
B - Senegal River. Borders Senegal and Mauritania
The fault lines pull away from eachother and it breaks up into blocks r chunks which are either forced upwards or downwards. As hey move apart these chunks or blocks end up being stacked ontop of one another causing a fault block mountain as the fault lines have been blocked up. An example of a faultblock mountain are the Sierra nevada mountains in North America.
(i dont know how many marks this question is so you may not need that much information)