It was lead by the Bolshevik party was essentially a revolution against the Pre-WWI Tsarist Regime. Lenin's Bolshevik's spread the idea of communism and equality among all it's citizens which incited the lower class against the upper class and Monarchy.
The results of the Russian Civil war was the establishment of the USSR. Finland, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia were established as sovereign states of the Soviet Union, with the Communist Party in power.
Here are some topics and presidents you can study that would help with this assignment.
Teddy Roosevelt (1901-1908)
- Preservation of national parks and forests.
- Meat Inspection Act: This helps to protect American consumers from businesses who were previously selling tainted meat.
- Panama Canal- This important waterway connected the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
- Emancipation Proclamation
- Lead Union to win in the Civil War.
- 13th amendment- This gets rid of the institution of slavery in the United States.
theatres, amphitheatres, a forum
<span>Karl Marx predicted that the proletariat would overthrow the Bourgeoisie. The communism's father created a theory that states that with the contradictions of the class fight, one day the proletariat would overthrow, literally, the force and the power of the bourgeoisie class, that holds the power and maintain the exploration setting.</span>