With a partner, clarify information. Student A asks a question with invers,
then Student B replies in the affirmative with the words in parentheses. Follow the example.
We're talking. (until morning)
A: Are we talking?
B: Yes, we talk until the morning.
1. Max phones his friend.
(in Fort-de-France)
2. Hélène lives with her parents.
(in Martinique)
3. Max and Hélène are going to dance.
(tomorrow night)
4. It's snowing. (a lot)
5. Sabrina and Michèle ski.
(in the Laurentians)
6. Nadine takes pictures.
(from his vacation)
Does it snow a lot? (Quebec City)
You’ve already conjugated some, but here you go:
a. être-> est
b. avoir-> avons
c. parler-> parlent
d. chercher-> cherche
e. aimer-> aimez
f. habiter-> habites
g. aller-> allons
Remember conjugations are just changing a verb from its original form to the one that makes sense with the person doing something. For example in English, we don’t say “ I to listen to music.” we say “ I listen to music.”
To listen—(changes into)—> listen.
A. Le chiens aboie
B. Le singe est sur la branche
C. Les oiseaux volent
D. Le lapin mange des carottes
E. La poule ponds des œufs
A. Serpent
B. Girafe
C. Lion
D. Vache
E. Singe