The event that allowed Collins to pursue her career dreams was
Soon before she finished college, the Air Force started training female pilots.
The space exploration program had been going on for a long time and the man had been to the moon before the NASA thought of training and sending women to the space too.
This changed by the time that Collins graduated which was lucky for her as if it did not happen she would have had to choose a career different from her dreams.
She was chosen for the training program recently started after she graduated and then became one of the contenders for the mission.
If your thinking about creating a book, then create a scenorio and characters in your head and just let your mind expand on its own. Get ideas from other books, study different types of characters and personalites, and there's a bunch of websites too that can generate some ideas for you :)
its the ; its suppose to be ,
1. "By a name I know not how to tell thee my identity. My name, dear holy person, is scornful to myself since it is a foe to thee. Had I it kept in touch with, I would tear the word."
2. "O, swear not by the moon, th' irregular moon, that month to month changes in her circle sphere, for fear that that thy adore demonstrate in like manner variable
3. These seasons of misfortune manage the cost of no circumstances to charm.
The series of events in a story that develop a problem for the characters, lead up to a climax and provide a resolution to the problem is termed as rising action.
After the introduction of the characters and the setting, rising action begins. It is the series of events that allows conflicts to arise. As the characters face those conflicts, trying to solve them, tension and suspense build. When tension reaches its peak, it mean the plot has arrived at the climax. In other words, rising action is the plot itself leading to the climax.