If it is in south Africa then its imprisonment because in SA we don't have death penalities
Okay okay I’m okay with that I just woke wo about it and I woke
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus Roman tribune who sponsored agrarian reforms to restore the class of small independent farmers and who was assassinated in a riot sparked by his senatorial opponents. His brother was Gaius Sempronius Gracchus.
She rescues the boy who becomes the founder
In this myth, Romulus and Remus were attempted to be killed via drowning by their uncle/Amulius, who became the king. He saw the two boys as a threat to his power, and as a result attempted to drown them in the Tiber river. However the boys were rescued by the wolf, who took pity.
If the wolf hadn't took pity, or she never found the boys, Rome would never exist.
Those coordinates are in India, all of which is in Asia.