When someone resigns from the the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that means no longer have any voting rights. They also no longer get access to Academy screenings of films to watch before voting. Also, it’s customary that the prior year’s winner, especially in the acting categories presents the award to following year’s Oscar winner.
The agnostic religion of Greeks are full of myths. The Greek art manifests the fables and superstitions about nature, life and death and man’s daily life with their human-like Gods. The Greek artists focused on beauty and harmony in architecture, sculpture, painting, pottery, hand-made art pieces etc.
The Yoruba believed in many deities. Their art flourished in the shrines honoring their gods and ancestors. The Yoruba’s religion also influenced their architecture, masks, pottery, weaving, bead working and metalwork.
Though very different, religion has had a great impact on both these civilizations and their art.
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