Answer: It supported the District Court’s decision that the students’ constitutional rights had not been violated.
The case of Ingraham v. Wright was heard in 1976 in the Supreme court based on an event that happened in 1970 where James Ingraham was paddled by the principal of a public high school in Florida to the point of needing medical assistance.
The district court the case was first heard in dismissed it and the Court of Appeals upheld this dismissal.
The Supreme court then agreed with the District court in saying that corporal punishment did not infringe upon Constitutional rights so the students’ constitutional rights had not been violated.
It was given by Abraham Lincoln in Pennsylvania, during the civil war,.
1. sister and I as subject and shopped as verb put u in the space before sentence.
2. chinese is the subject display and sell are the verbs
3. Beijing and Shanghai as subjects attract as a verb
4.Farmers as subject and buy and sell as verb
5. shop as subject and compare as verb
6. you and I as subject and buy as verb
7. Tamala as subject and wanted as verb
8. Eric and I as subject and looked and bought as verb
9. Some stores as subject and wrap and mail as verb
10. my uncle or I as subject and call and make as verb
He wanted to move them west of the Mississippi River to a designated Indian territory. Some tribes resisted his ideas and relocation policy while others went peacefully but still harboring anger and sadness in their heart.