China, with most decision making power concentrated into a few members of the communist party is best described as a Oligarchy. This is the form of governance where most decision making powers lies with a powerful few and the others have to agree and obey the decision made. I hope the answer helps you.
the devastation it experienced in World War II.
Answer:in 1850 Georgian approved the compromise
It is a fragment (no verb). No action and no consequence
But sharecroppers were still poor, and it was hard for them to save money to buy their own land. White land-owners liked that, because they didn't want black people to own their own land.
Many white farmers also became sharecroppers after the Civil War. In Mississippi, for instance, about a third of the white farmers were sharecroppers, and more than three-quarters of the black farmers were sharecroppers. Nearly all of the land-owners, though, were white. The white land-owners arranged things so that most sharecroppers could not make enough money sharecropping to buy their food and clothes. They ended up having to borrow money from the land-owners, and soon they were always in debt. The land-owners said they could not leave the land if they owed money, so in many places share-cropping ended up being a lot like slavery.
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