Harlem was one place that jazz was made. It is the first places that built clubs that allowed jazz music to be played.
than u would probably feel pain on your clothes and also get burned and also have a nice treat for yourself.also i wouldn't do that because u would lose your clothes and then it would just be a waste of time.Then u would also have to call the fire department to help u so the fire wont spread.and also u would probably get a lot of burn spots on your body
....hopefully u don't do that because it just sounds painful......
Hindi ko po ito kac is a great place to work for and it is a great place to Sana and enjoy the fun and rewarding things you can do with your life and your life and your life is Malay to the best of your ability to be a good friend and a great place to live and enjoy your life with a great family
The story begins after the battle in which the two brothers of Antigone, ... the current king of Thebes, Creon , a relative of the deceased, perhaps takes a measure ... Antigone, logically, does not agree with this decision of the new king, ...