In the spaces provided, write the vocabulary expression that could replace the underlined words in each sentence without signifi
cantly changing the meaning of the sentence. Do not use any of the underlined words again. ?Viste el artículo en el periódico sobre la actriz muy famosa que estuvo en un accidente de coche?
So we can say that another word for "actriz" which is actress in English, can be "celebridad" or more specific "artista de cine" as "celebridad"- celebrity is very general (singer, dancer, etc) and well, "famosa" which is famous, can be also "popular" and well it's the same in English, as you can see, the only thing in difference is the pronunciation. So I'd say it like this:
<em>¿Viste el artículo en el periódico sobre </em><em><u>la artista de cine muy popular </u></em><em>que estuvo en un accidente de coche?</em>