Words are Powerful because we couldn't talk without them
Here ya go
If it were not for my sister, I wouldn't have been able to do it at all. ... As I know this is so often not the case, I wanted to take the time and thank her and all the ... and say over and over again, “I'm not helping you enough, should I fly in? ... Tell them often how grateful you are and how much their trust makes it ...
In my view Hedda Gabbler is the most morally ambiguous between the two. Allow me to compare the two characters in order to clarify my views. Hedda Gabbler is an older Norwegian housewife of upper-*Middle class who chose to marry because she was starting to grow older. Her motivations are not always clear and sometimes it seems as though she suffers some kind of mental illness. Also, the etymology of her name is quite revelatory, her name comes from " the Germanic name Hadewig, derived from the Germanic elements hadu "battle, combat" and wig "war" ( Hedda is obviously in conflict with the patriarchal society of her time and she aims to not only be in command of her own destiny but also to control her husband. She kills herself in order to deny the power of a man over her. Even in her death she is defiant. Daisy Miller on the other hand is a very young adult and rich American who loves Europe and its ways. She is naive and innocent and her behavior is not as vindictive as the behavior of Hedda Gabbler. Daisy is in opposition to the conservative and patriarchal views of society more because of her exposition ot European cultures and less due to a conscious realization of her condition. Her name is the name of a flower and her death is also symbolic as she dies from malaria. Flowers die during winter and Daisy's winter is the disease that kills her. She is more a victim than a proto-feminist.
Grendel arrives and rips open the door of the mead–hall is the answer.
The excerpt belongs to Beowulf, an epic poem written in Ancient English, it is one of the most important poems in Old English. In this particular, this passage belongs to the twelfth section of the poem and it describes how Grendel furiously arrives to the place where Beowulf and his men had been waiting for a long time.
Answers will vary. Sample: Universal theme of love, because it is something that anyone, no matter what culture or time period they come from, can relate to.