Rights and obligations are two different tasks that a person has to face in order to be better in life and relate to society.
Law is a normative and institutional order of human behavior in society inspired by postulates of justice and legal certainty. Its character and content is based on social relationships in a certain place and time. The concept of law is studied by the philosophy of law. Throughout history jurists, philosophers and legal theorists have proposed alternative definitions and different legal theories without there being consensus on their definition. A clear example of the right are human rights.
The obligation, on the other hand, refers to something that needs to be done whether we like it or not. Obligations must be fulfilled, because they are explicitly stated and can not be ignored if one lives and belongs to a society. Obligations are not subject only to the desires and consciences of individuals, nor to their morality; but they must be fulfilled everywhere. They are more related to the legal field, unlike the duties that are purely moral.
In the "Three Skeleton Key", the narrator changes his attitude from the beginning of the story to the end. ... First, he realls the terrifying experience; then, he regrets leaving Three Skeleton Key.
We negotiate or debate to prove a point. We want others to see from our point of view. We also want to see others point of view, and consider their standpoint. Debating causes us to question our opinion and even change it.