The big question that the magistrate asked meursault finally was if he believed in God, to which he replied he didn't
Meursault prison cell looked tiny, dirty and unkempt, although it had the view of an ocean. And no, that's not what he expected.
The most difficult item for meursault to lose other than his freedom were his cigarettes and Marie
Having a memory is an advantage because it gave him the ability to think about the past, and that's a new thing for him
The first impression he had of the jury was that he were innocent. He then proceeded to describing them as strangers on a streetcar
The incident that occurred was the one in which he met someone unexpectedly at the funeral, and there, he felt as though he were a stranger
Rhetorical devices are abundant in the “I Have A Dream” speech. Most noticeable, and frequently used, is anaphora, which our dictionary defines as “the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses”: Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.
A. Augent - Active Indicative Present - They Increase
B. Augentur - Passive Indicative Present - They are expanded
C. Augebant - Active Indicative Imperfect - They used to increment
D. Augebantur - Passive Indicative Imperfect - They were expanded
E. Augebunt - Active Indicative Future - They will increment
F. Augebuntur - Passive Indicative Future - They will be expanded
G. Aucti sunt - Passive Indicative Perfect (Present Perfect) - They have been expanded
H. Auxerunt - Active Indicative Perfect (Present Perfect) - They have expanded
I. Auctae erant - Passive Indicative Feminine Pluperfect (Past Perfect) - They had been expanded
J. Auxerant - Active Indicative Future Pluperfect (Past Perfect) - They had expanded
K. Auctae erunt - Passive Indicative Feminine Future Perfect - They will have been expanded
L. Auxerint - Active Indicative Future Perfect - They will have expanded
the narrative is told by an adult Scout in a retrospective manner, the reader is provided with more introspection than would be the case if the young Scout were the narrator/participant. Still, even with this added adult element, Scout as a young girl is obviously precocious, having learned to read simply from sitting on her father's knee as he peruses his Mobile Register every evening
When many of the guests stayed late into the evening