Definitions of commonwealth. a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. synonyms: democracy, republic.
Many different types of evidence.
All 3 study material remains and use what they discover to look at past cultures and societies. Archaeologists excavate as well as paleontologists in order to see into the past of those who have lived before us. They find past structures, bones, tools, etc. Sorry I couldn't go more in depth.
The iron curtain was the wall that separated communism from the rest of Europe during the cold war
Answer and Explanation:
The Indians were in a middle position in the conflict between the French people and the British people. Both the french and British sides would give generous gifts to the indians, most of these gifts included guns, arms and ammunitions. These gifts were given to the indians to woo them to be on the side of either party.