If you travel from Tallahassee, the capital of Florida to Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, you will be moving to a north direction. On the maps you can easily see that they are positioned in an almost straight north-south line. Atlanta on the north, while Tallahassee on the south.
No solution
Cancel p on both sides.
that leaves -4=-9
Since -4 = -9 is false, there is no solution.
Animals living space affect the food supplies because there are requirement according to the animal in its living space. When they are allowed to move, they in result give more products like milk. Explanation: ... And these diseases result in lowering of the products for food supplies of the animals.
If lava cools slowly and does not move too fast it forms smooth ropy lava called pahoehoe.
However, if it cools quickly and moves fast it can tear into clinkery pieces called a'a