The protagonist reads in his studio. The protagonist reads in the park.
3. The protagonist reads about a woman's encounter with her lover. The protagonist reads about the heroism of men on the mountain.
4. The woman has a wounded face and her lover tries to clean her blood. The lover has a wounded face and the woman tries to clean his blood.
5. The woman has decided to kill her lover. The lover has decided to kill a man.
6. The murder had been well planned. The murder took place at the last minute.
7. The woman collaborated with her lover in the murder plan. The woman opposed her lover's murder plan and they separated.
8. The lover killed a man and his dogs so they wouldn't bark. The lover had a plan to kill the protagonist of the story.
there gringo
The answer is B , Argentina , Brazil , and Uruguay
los animales
Los animales son organismos eucarióticos multicelulares que forman el reino biológico Animalia. Con pocas excepciones, los animales consumen material orgánico, respiran oxígeno, pueden moverse, pueden reproducirse sexualmente y crecer a partir de una esfera hueca de células, la blástula, durante el desarrollo embrionario.