Relations to Soviet Union, supporting brutal dictators in Central America.
In my opinion the arms race and the existence of theatomic/hydrogen bomb forced the Soviet Union and the United States to fight
"proxy wars" (influencing others to fight, but not directly fighting themselves) because they feared the retaliation of the proxy wars
The utiliritarianism is an theory that asserts that you have to do what benefits the greatest number of people. If you kill someone that is a danger to society in order to protect other people, you will be doing what is ethic in that situation.
Q1: defense spending was decreased as tensions between the united states and the soviet union lessened
Q2: A global surge of organic and sustainable agriculture
Q3: religion
Q4: provide a committee to focus on basic human rights and freedoms
Q5: This was the acronym for political talks between the united states and the ussr regarding nuclear weapons
Q6: Enhance social programs to better the lives of Chinese citizens
Q7: Poland east Germany and the soviet Union
Q8: a lack of history and experience with self-government
Q9: the formation of NATO
Q10: the nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl destroyed the confidence of the people
Q11: strategic limitation of nuclear arms
You can be parallel to something as in next to or you will pass it