He felt like a completely new person and what he was holding could change him, change his future. It was his current reality but so different from the rest of his life, he liked being self sufficient but it was also somewhat scary because it was so new
This open interest in the idea of immorality is what takes Cecily out of the realm of Victorian hypocrisy and makes her a suitable love interest for Algernon. Her notion that if Jack’s brother is not really wicked he has been “deceiving us all in a very inexcusable manner” turns the plot of the play on its head. She goes on to define hypocrisy as “pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time.” It isn’t, of course. It is the opposite of hypocrisy. In fact, it is the creed of the Wildean dandy-hero.
The answer to your question is the third, fifth, and eighth sentence.
I say the answer is the 3rd Explanation: The 2nd just talks about her birth and hometown and the 1st tells us about her jump and the judges. The 3rd says how she became the first to get a perfect 10 points. That shows why its 3.