Kadra needs to watch where she's walking.
Also, that second comma should come after the Quotation to avoid syntax errors.
"Ouch, that hurts!", Kadra said after stubbing her toe.
Someone who isn't patriotic could probably be described as disloyal, unfaithful, or perfidious.
All of these words are antonyms of the word "patriotic." You're welcome and have a great day! :)
I think the Shakespearean word for jealous is jea
it express how he desired to show different ways to express his feeling and because of that it was some what similar to both shake spear and Armstrong.
i don't know what its about but hope this helps
We use pronouns so that we are not repetitive.
Answer: A) or the first option.
A pronoun is really a word that takes the spot of a noun, without pronouns sentences really wouldn't make sense or be clear here are examples.
Deaththekid101 answered a question
He answered a question
The spider is crawling
It is crawling
Zaxby's is the best resturaunt
This is the best resturaunt
See? pronouns take places so its important we have them.