A hot wood stove heats an entire room.
A - Factory owners could pay children less money than they paid adults.
Whenever a business/production line proprietor can lessen his/her expense with respect to paying laborers, they will take. This is the situation with children laborers. Not paying these youngsters indistinguishable wages from grown-ups enable the processing plant proprietors to keep more money for themselves or they can utilize that capital for other expenses.
You didn’t list any accounts, but I can provide some examples.
The automatic incorrect answers are American accounts and Japanese accounts are those are both the receivers and attacker’s.
Their allies in the war also might not be as well as they can be biased towards their ally.
However, neutral countries could be very unbiased as they have no allies and were not involved.
Hope this helps!
C. The Cabinet was created by Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution and was first used by President George Washington.
Life of a Vassal:worked the lord's land, received a fief in exchange for service, served the lord in battle
Life of a Peasant: lived and worked on a manor, ran the manor household, served the lord in battle