Antes de estudiar español, yo no podía entender lo que decían mis vecinos cubanos.
You have already demonstrated that the area of a triangle is equal to a half of the product of the base by the height. however, such a demonstration was made with an obtuse angle scalene triangle like this: your task now is to show that the same conclusion is reached with a scale scale triangle like this:
mi abuela tiene cáncer cronico y está muriendo de él. algunas maneras que le ayudarán a beber agua y hacer ejercicio y mantener su sangre fluyendo a su corazón. si no hace esto todos los días su sangre dejará de fluir y morirá de presión arterial baja en su corazón.
1. Does the show Más deporte come on in the morning?
Answer 1 : No, the show Más deporte comes on in the afternoon (14:30)
2. At what “P.M” time is the show festival el Sol?
Answer 2 : The show festival el Sol is at 7:00 P.M.
3. How many times a day does CNN broadcast the news (Noticias)?
Answer 3 : CNN broadcast does the news three times a day.
4. Finish the sentence (in English): the film pearls harbor starts at two minutes to _____________ in the morning.
Answer 4 : The film Pearl Harbor starts at two minutes to one in the morning.
5. Does the show Los 40 principales come on in the morning?
Answer 5 : No, the show Los 40 principales comes on in the afternoon (13:30)