Bonjour !
<em>For all the verbs ending in -er and -ir, the stem in the future is the :</em>
the infinitive form
<em>examples ►</em>
chanter => je <u>chanter</u>ai
donner => tu <u>donner</u>as
finir ==> il <u>finir</u>a
dormir ==> nous <u>dormir</u>ons
hope this helps ☺☺☺
Ma Ajutati va Rog Frumos replies: "Why the police came down to the Louvre"
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The thief has provided false leads to the guards. Find the phrases that express this idea "
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' ' that represents I'indifférent ' '
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Hope this helps
Hi !
David- ........................
Luc- Je me sens mieux aujourd'hui !
David- Ah oui ? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé hier ? (s'est passé // not c'est passé
Luc- En faisant la cuisine, je me suis coupé la main.
Luc- Oui, aujourd'hui je n'ai plus mal à la main.
hope this helps !
here are some words to describe clothing with masculine and feminine words! :)
1. silky - french version - soyeuse (feminine) - soyeux (masculine)
2. long - french version - long (masculine) - longue (feminine)
3. expensive - french version - cher (masculine) - chére (feminine)
4. elegant - french version - élégant (masculine) - élégante (feminine)
5. new - french version - nouveau (masculine) - nouvelle (feminine)
6. small - french version - petit (masculine) - petite (feminine)
7. old fashioned - french version - démodé (masculine) - démodée (feminine)
Hope this helped! have a good day! <3