The ladyies work very fasionalble clothing with scarfs and hats and the men wore very fancy outfits such as tux's and nice shoes
Fort Sumter: First Battle of the American Civil War, Confederates Win.
First Battle of Bull Run: Confederates win because of Stonewall Jackson's leadership. Battle in the American Civil War.
Siege of Yorktown: Final battle in the American Revolutionary War, British surrenders, America gains independence.
Battle of Shiloh: Union wins with Grant's leadership. 2 day battle. High casualties. Battle in the American Civil War.
Capture of New Orleans: Union captures New Orleans, helps the Union capture the Mississippi river. Battle in the American Civil War.
Hope this helps!
Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest and West that occurred between 1916 and 1970. By 1960, of those African Americans still living in the South, half now lived in urban areas, and by 1970, more than 80% of African Americans nationwide lived in cities. In 1991, Nicholas Lemann wrote that
TW// a white woman was jogging and was assaulted through a series of attacks in new yorks central park. five african american teenagers were wrongfully convicted and spent from 6 to 13 years in prison before the real assualter confessed. it is widely believed that the wrongful conviction of the five boys was racially motivated.