the Anglican Church
Southern culture was strongly shaped by religion. Before the American Revolution, the Anglican Church served as the established church throughout the southern colonies. The rise of Protestant evangelicalism in the 1740s posited a fledgling alternative to the Anglican establishment.
I think the death penalty is perfectly fine but it depends on the situation. If a persons robs a house or a store then they shouldn't get the death penalty but if they kill someone, they should be returned the favor. Once a murderer, always a murderer.
In the 1600's both french fur traders and Jesuit missionaries are forced by Americans, Indians To be Christians.
It enabled them to wage a modern war
The Northern states supplied the military with all the means necessary to wage a modern war, producing large quantities of ammunition and other supplies, and in doing so financing the war with its industrial capacity. The Midwest supplied the Union with soldiers, food, horses as well as financially. Military hospitals were located throughout the territory of the Union.
The national banking system was reformed during this period, and prosperity was stimulated by heavy spending by the federal government. Union countries have invested a great deal of money and effort in psychological and social support for soldiers, their wives, widows and orphans.