Since this is a listening and comprehension exercise, I can't solve it for you. But I can give you some tips so you can solve it for yourself.
Some of the most common activities in a Spanish routine are the following:
Despertarse Wake up
Levantarse Get up
Bañarse Take a bath
Cepillarse los dientes Brushing teeth
Desayunar Have a breakfast
Ir a trabajar Go to work
Almorzar Have lunch
Ir al gimnasio Go to the gym
Preparar la cena Make dinner
Mirar televisión Watch TV
Limpiar la casa Clean the house
What you should do is try to identify some of these activities and link them to the corresponding people.
Answer: Each team must have 9 runners if each runs 2/3 of a mile and the total distance is 6 miles
Explanation: The first runner goes 2/3, the second makes it 4/3, the third makes it 6/3, the fourth makes it 8/3, the fifth makes it 10/3, the sixth makes it 12/3, the seventh makes it 14/3, the eighth makes it 16/3 and the ninth runner makes it 18/3 which equals 6
Pablo Picasso is probably the most important figure of 20th century, in terms of art, and art movements that occurred over this period. Before the age of 50, the Spanish born artist had become the most well known name in modern art, with the most distinct style and eye for artistic creation.
Answer: A ti te gustan las películas de horror
A José le gusta la música country
A mí me gustan los gatos
A nosotros nos gusta el libro
A ella le gustan los zapatos Nike
A ustedes les gusta el caballo
A mis padres les gusta el restaurante
Im mexican lol