Shariah is an Islamic law obtained from the teachings of the Quran and of Muhammad. It is not a list of rules but rather a set of principles on aspects of life, including marriage, divorce, finance and rituals such as fasting and prayer.
The word Sharia literally translates to "the way." As mentioned above, the law outlines how Muslims should conduct themselves in various aspects of their lives, including their personal lives, their responsibilities to society, their religious beliefs, as well as their finances.
Kepler - discovered the 3 laws of planetary motion.
Newton- discovered law of gravity
Galileo - pioneered tbe scientific method
Bacon - was persecuted for his support of the heliocentric theory
Fortunately, many Navajos still speak their language. During World War II, about 420 Navajos served as Code Talkers—the most from any Native group. The Navajo homeland: Four sacred mountains covering 27,000 square miles of the four corners area of Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona define the Navajo homeland, “Dinétah.”
The founder of modern egypt is Muhammad Ali